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Location: Evanston, IL, United States

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Stone Crab

If you've never had stone crab claws, I'd highly recommend them. The shells are pre-cracked because of how hard they are. However, people also use a mallet to crack the shells as well. When harvested, the claw is actually taken and the crab is put back into the sea, where he'll grow a new pair of claws.

These claws are served cold with a mustard sauce that is to die for. This time we had the mustard sauce shipped with the claws. However, I've tried the following "copycat" recipe before.

Joe's Stone Crab Mustard Sauce

1 tbsp Coleman's dry mustard
1 c mayonnaise
2 tsp worcestershire sauce

1 tsp A-1 steak sauce
1/4 c heavy cream or milk

salt to taste

Whisk all ingredients together until blended and creamy. Cover and chill until serving.

We had these last night and they were amazing. A friend of my husband had them shipped in and we put in an order for some as well. I felt spoiled!



Blogger GratefulTwinMom said...

Looks so civilized, even with a mallet on the plate. Yum.

March 6, 2010 at 5:13 PM  

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